Jordan Benefit Services |
Sales Rep: |
Agent Name: Sara Jordan |
PO Box 3 |
Castroville, TX 78009 |
Phone: 210-421-8361 |
Fax: | | |
Group Name: |
Address: |
City, State and Zip Code: |
Nature of Business / SIC: |
Requested Effective Date: |
Current Carrier: |
Current Coverage: |
HMO / PPO: |
Office Visit |
Coinsurance: |
Deductible: |
Out of Pocket: |
Rx: |
Medical: HMO / PPO / POS / HSA |
Please Circle Requested Coverages: |
Ancillary: Dental / Vision / Life / LTD / STD |
Requested Carriers: |
Total # Full-Time Employees: |
Sex |
DOB / Age |
Coverage TypeEO, ES, EC, EF |
Home Zip Code |
Salary |
Enrolled in Medicare |
COBRAEnd-date |
EE 1 |
EE 2 |
EE 3 |
EE 4 |
EE 5 |
EE 6 |
EE 7 |
EE 8 |
EE 9 |
EE 10 |
EE 11 |
EE 12 |
*** Note *** Coverage Types (EO = Employee Only / EC = Employee Child(ren) / ES = Employee Spouse / EF = Employee Family) |
Please Attach Additional Sheets if Needed |